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Friday 20 September 2024
    HomeTalent & LearningRecalibrating the compass for the common good 

    Recalibrating the compass for the common good 

    Throughout the history of humanity, we have gone through multiple changes, and for that, we had to adapt to different circumstances. In the early years, we created small communities that looked after the common welfare where, regardless of the role that each one played within that community, we were all equals as a society. This small detail of how the word “community” was understood was key to preserving our well-being, taking care of our greatest fears, and allowing us to continue exploring new paths and developments in a way that made us feel much safer. 

    With the changes, this idea was transformed; the concept of roles was lost since these began to be hierarchized. Regardless of the community’s criteria, the tendency always led to the hierarchization and neglect of the common welfare. 

     Today, in our times, with the pandemic and the political and inequality problems that, although subdued, persist, we realize that our compass to understand the path, to resume our communal care is totally out of calibration since we think of well-being in terms of absolute, numerical and, mainly, economic values. 

     This edition makes us reflect on how we are recalibrating that compass, at least from the corporate front, how we are working to return to the basics and understand that we are a community that needs to preserve what is essential, that also needs to protect its health and today, more than ever, we understand that we have to go back to the roots of what wellness means. This edition invites you to rethink ideas that at some point sounded far away, but all of us, from our role, have a lot to contribute so that our community reappropriates the essence of well-being. 

    Jaime Andrés Díaz | CEO at PDA



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